In Ireland, Queen Passes on Guinness

Guinness may be good for you, but she'll skip Ireland's famous export
By Newser Editors and Wire Services
Posted May 18, 2011 1:51 PM CDT
Updated May 18, 2011 4:34 PM CDT
Queen Elizabeth II Passes on Guinness in Ireland
A protestor is stopped by police in a street during a demonstration against the first-ever visit to Ireland of Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, in Dublin, Tuesday May 17, 2011.   (Niall Carson)

Queen Elizabeth II's journey of reconciliation to Ireland this week has been serious business—given the violent history between the two countries—which is why one might've expected Her Majesty and Prince Phillip to welcome a fresh pint of Guinness with open arms. But even the expert preparation by a Guinness master brewer in Dublin's Gravity Bar couldn't pique the queen's fancy—she smiled broadly, but declined the beverage, according to the AP. Philip, on the other hand, gazed at the brew with obvious longing. He even jokingly asked the brewer "Is it made with Liffey water?" in reference to Dublin's nearby river, but also walked away without a taste.

The queen is receiving high marks for her dignified conduct during her long-anticipated visit, which included the controversial site of "Bloody Sunday." Over her four-day trip, the queen is still being protected by an exceptionally large security contingent of more than 8,500 police. Much of downtown Dublin was closed to motorists and pedestrians. (For more about security precautions, click to read about a Real IRA member who was imprisoned thanks to the British royal visit.)

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